A Program For Lawyers Who Want To Ditch Their Soul-Sucking Jobs, Discover What They Really Want To Do, And Do It!
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What if you knew exactly what steps to take to figure out a career that aligns with your unique priorities and values?

Do You Find Yourself…

  • Sick from the stress of dealing with difficult clients, toxic partners, and all of the minutiae of legal practice?
  • Scrolling through jobs on LinkedIn, hoping you’ll stumble upon something that actually seems exciting to you?
  • Frustrated that you managed to graduate from law school and pass the bar, yet can’t figure out what you should be doing with your career?

You know that you don’t want to be a lawyer anymore…
but you have no idea what you want to do instead.

  • Feeling confident and excited to figure out what’s next for you in your career
  • Knowing exactly what to do now and next because you have a clear plan for figuring out what you want
  • Feeling focused and relaxed instead of scattered and anxious when you think about your next career step
  • Jumping into a new career you LOVE, that allows you to bring your whole self to work and where your unique strengths and skills are valued
  • Being part of a community of like-minded lawyers who get it

The roadmap is waiting for you.



A confidential and collaborative program that gives you the tools and support that you need to say goodbye to your soul-sucking legal job and hello to a career that aligns with your unique priorities and values.

The 5-Part Former Lawyer Framework™ will guide you through the process of identifying the best career path for you.



Deep dive into where you are, why you’re there, and what that means for your next step, and tackle the fundamentals.


Get crystal clear on exactly what your career needs to look like. Uncover your unique profile.


No more frantic Googling or doom-scrolling job boards. Dig into real data and information about everything that interests you with laser-focus based on the work you’ve done so far.


Dial in on your target roles and learn how to flexibly iterate your search so that you incorporate all of the important information you’ve gleaned thus far.


Identifying a path forward is just one part of the picture. You also need to handle all the nuts and bolts of making the jump. Job search plans, LinkedIn updates, resumé rewrites, etc.—we’ve got you covered.


Private community on Circle to connect with other lawyers who are going through the same process and to get your questions answered by the community and Sarah.


Each month, join fellow Collab members and Sarah on a live call to get support and work through questions and obstacles.


The 5-part Former Lawyer Framework™ core curriculum is clearly laid out module by module with video trainings and hands-on exercises. You can get started on your self-assessment right away.


A library of 40+ topical workshops, career panels, and Q&As, that you can watch on-demand.


When you enroll, you get access to everything that the Collaborative offers for the lifetime of the program.


Sample resumés and cover letters provided by past podcast guests and panel participants that they used to land real-life non-legal jobs.


A private podcast feed so that you can listen to the Former Lawyer Collaborative™ Replay Library workshop and panel content on-the-go in your preferred podcast player.


A straightforward process for identifying and cataloguing your unique transferable skills so that you can apply to non-legal jobs with ease.
Join Now!

What’s in the Workshop Library?

Curious to know what’s in the Workshop Library? (Remember, this is in addition to the core Former Lawyer Framework™ curriculum.)

Here are some of the things you’ll find in the library:

  • How To Create An Effective Resume: Leveraging Your Transferable Skills As A Lawyer And Positioning Yourself For The Job That You Want
  • Networking & Informational Interviews Q&A
  • What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?: Figuring Out What You Really Want from Your Career
  • Non-Profits, Figuring Out What You Want, And Dealing With Uncertainty Q&A
  • Beyond Black and White Thinking
  • Balancing Your Budget Now & Beyond Biglaw
  • Is In-House The Answer? Panel Discussion & Q&A
  • Mindfulness for Lawyers: Real Tools You Can Use Right Now
  • Student Loan Repayment Strategies
  • Budgeting Basics for Lawyers
  • When You Can’t Leave Just Yet: Strategies To Move You Forward Even When You’re Staying Put
  • Student Loan Debt Considerations For Lawyers
  • How To Make A Full-Time Income Pursuing Your Passion
  • Self-Care In Your Current Role Can Prevent Career Transition Burnout
  • Counsel to Copywriter: Leveraging the Law to Start Your Writing Side-Hustle
  • Boundaries at Work
  • 3 Strategies For Uncovering Any Lawyer’s Transferable Skills
  • How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Introduction to the CliftonStrengths Assessment

You’ll also find panel discussions with former lawyers who have moved into other fields. Topics include careers in:

  • Higher ed/law school administration
  • Freelance writing
  • Online business
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Recruiting
  • Non-profit development/management
  • Legal project management
  • Compliance
  • Legal operations
  • Legal tech
  • Foreign service
  • Counseling/therapy
  • Librarians

What could be possible if you join the Collaborative™? Here are just some of the things that my clients have done…
Law firm associate asked firm to let them go part-time so they could pursue a freelance writing career
Biglaw partner went part-time and is building a life coaching business
Senior litigation associate at a mid-sized firm landed a fully-remote, non-billable role in-house and escaped the litigation grind
25-year lawyer resigned from partnership at his firm to pursue small business consulting (what they wanted to do when they left law school 25 years ago!)
Junior associate who thought they would stay in the law another 3-5 years landed dream non-legal job and left Biglaw less than 12 months after joining the Collaborative™
In-house counsel quit job in order to live the life of a digital nomad
Civil litigator identified compliance as area of interest and landed new role in compliance just a few months after joining the Collaborative™
Midlevel Biglaw corporate associate realized that she doesn’t need to go back to school in order to pursue her dream career (and quit Biglaw!)
Litigator landed non-legal job in Employee Relations/HR
District attorney secured dream public policy role
Law firm associate identified nursing as their ideal career and quit firm job

What real lawyers like you have to say about the


“Before I joined the Collab, I was struggling to normalize my feelings about the challenges of the legal profession and find affirmation that this was not the best path for me and my family. The Collab helped motivate me to keep looking for non-legal employment, with many practical concrete steps. Sarah is very down to earth and doesn’t shy away from honestly opening up about her experience in the legal profession. She is is the legal mentor you wish you had earlier on in your legal career, who shows a level of compassion and professional honesty that is so very much needed in an industry that desperately needs models who prioritize kindness and self-compassion. It’s hard to put a price on the relief you feel working with others who just ‘get it’. Worth every penny and then some!”

Former Law Firm Associate

“If you’re already thinking about leaving the law then the Collab is the right place to help you gain clarity and move forward. You will find people struggling with the same things you are struggling with and find support from Sarah and the other Collab members. Sarah is thoughtful and supportive and has assembled tremendous resources for people in her program. The Collab will help you understand how you got where you are and how to move on from that. Just do it.”

Government Lawyer

“I was at a law firm for over a decade and struggled to see any way out. The Collab helped me identify the strengths and transferrable skills I was overlooking. It also gave me focus and a sense of optimism. In addition to working through the program and completing the personal assessments, I found the panels to be engaging and helpful. Sarah is friendly yet practical. I appreciate her honesty and willingness to be open about tough subjects. I should have joined sooner.”

Former Law Firm Shareholder

“There aren’t many people outside of our profession that truly understand our profession. I don’t know about where or what you practice, but around here, it comes around really fast. Add a period of isolation and you get a recipe of zero connection nor the encouragement to make necessary career moves and provide community to remind you that, in fact, you are not crazy for thinking and feeling the way you do. COMMUNITY is always worth the investment, and you will most certainly come out of this experience with encouragment and even friendship.

Sarah does a good job of walking the balance between a total exit from the profession or ‘grin and bear it,’ while also being very REAL about the serious pitfalls we are collaboratively facing in law. She uplifts and asks thought-provoking questions to lead you, not direct you or tell you what to think. There are lots of coaches out there set out to either help you stay in the profession or encourage you to leave it entirely, but she leaves space for your journey to be unique to you, which it is!”

Marquel, Former Law Firm Associate

“Joining the Collab helped me make my intention to become a former lawyer concrete. Taking that first step helped me to focus on and prioritize making a change in my career. The community has been supportive and it really helps to meet other people who feel the same way that I do. The content that Sarah has put together has proven extremely helpful also. I’ve tried other coaching methods, but hadn’t realized just how specific (and tricky) it is to try and imagine a new career outside of law. I’m glad I joined.”

Law Firm Partner

“I ended up finding a job outside of the law just about a year after I first worked through the First Steps guide, and in the interim I worked through a lot of the fear of losing the ‘prestige’ that comes with being a lawyer and realized, through hearing/reading experiences of others in the Collaborative, that I was not alone in how I felt about my job and how it was not sustainable long-term (and that there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way).

If you are feeling lost and overwhelmed at work, and find yourself laying in bed at night googling “jobs I can do with a JD” over and over to no real avail…the Collab is for you! If you are on the fence about joining…ask yourself, are you looking to hold yourself accountable and go from thinking/dreaming/talking about making a change to actually making a change? If so, dive in!”

Biglaw Associate

“Sarah, thank you for your guidance while I was a member of the Collaborative. My conversation with [one of the panelists] truly lit a spark in me to pursue my HR certification and ultimately led to me taking active steps to pursue a transition out of the law. Thank you for creating the Collaborative and creating a support system for lawyers like myself. The work you’re doing in the Collaborative is so impactful.”

Litigation Attorney

“The Collaborative has helped me focus my efforts and to engage in critical internal work. I love the confidentiality, the framework, and the tools that allow folks to embark on a guided path. I also love having the feeling that I am not alone on wanting to embark on a new path. It is a fantastic resource for anyone that is unhappy or looking to find a more fulfilling life. The Collaborative is perfect for anyone at any stage of their career who is unhappy with practicing law and does not know where to start.”

25-Year Lawyer & Law Firm Partner

“The Collab helped me to finally realize that I too can change my life, no matter the circumstances, and that there is always a way no matter how bumpy. It literally made me see a possible path forward.”

Small Firm Litigator

“If you’re on the fence, just do it. The idea of getting a career coach can be very daunting in terms of price. Here, you’re not just getting the career-coach-type training, you’re also getting an entire group of other attorneys who are going through it with you.”

Lawyer in Private Practice

“This program is a great fit for someone who knows they want to move on from what they are doing, but really doesn’t know where to go or what do to next. The information and connections I found in the Collaborative were just not easy to find elsewhere.”

Law Firm Associate

“There have been so many “aha” moments for me because I joined the Collaborative! The biggest, I think, has been realizing that I have been surrounded by a culture that tells me being miserable is just normal for this job (private firm litigation), and therefore not something to complain about or even to seek to change. I have a vivid memory of actually telling my mother-in-law, when she was visiting and kept asking me every day whether I had had a “good” day, that my job is very stressful and “not terrible” is really the best it gets. How did I not realize then that I needed a change?! … I [am] no longer willing to completely sacrifice my mental and physical health.

When you consider that the Collaborative could literally change your entire life, it is invaluable. There is so much helpful content, it is absolutely worth the cost.”

Senior Associate, Litigation

“The focus of the Collaborative sets it apart from other programs. I don’t just want a career beyond the law that I’m good at because of my skill set, I want to enjoy it and feel fulfilled by it. What Sarah does is centralize the person and their goals, instead of just focusing on what they are good at. Because, let’s be honest, we’re all good at certain things we just don’t want to do for a living.”

Federal Government Attorney

“Sarah goes above and beyond for her clients. She is always willing to connect her clients with helpful people in her network. The Collaborative is not just about finding a new career; it gives you the tools to learn more about your personality and values so you can feel confident in your next step.”

Trial Lawyer

“When I joined the Collab, I was struggling to find people to talk to who understood what I was going through. I needed to find community with people who could not only relate to my desire to leave litigation, but who were also taking active steps alongside me to actually do it.

I was skeptical at first. I was not a Big Law or highly paid attorney. [The Collab] was worth the time and money I put into it[.] There is a forum full of posts by lawyers from numerous sectors, including government, giving and receiving advice, celebrating wins, supporting each other though downturns, and providing networking connections. . . .

In my group conversations with Sarah, I have seen that she is very adept at asking questions and drilling down to the root of an issue, in a very pleasant and non-judgmental way. She has a wonderful demeanor, and it’s almost impossible not to instantly connect with her. She has given me excellent advice, provided invaluable support, and given me access to a network that I really needed to get where I wanted to go professionally.

The Framework is useful for trying to figure out what your professional values are, what your interests and transferable skills are, etc., but the Collab has great value even if you’ve already done a lot of that work (like I had through other coaching programs). I wish I would have started here first. I could have saved myself some time and money!”

Michelle, Former Government Attorney

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Questions Lawyers Have Asked Before Saying, “YES!” to Joining the Collaborative

You talk a lot about Biglaw. Is the Collaborative only for Biglaw lawyers?

No. We have members of all types in the Collaborative—Biglaw, Midlaw, super small firms, partners and associates, in-house, public interest, government/prosecutors/public defenders.

Is the Collaborative only for lawyers in a particular stage of their career?

The Collaborative is helpful for lawyers at any stage. Lawyers at all stages of their careers—from awaiting bar results through their twenty-fifth year of practice—have joined and benefitted from the Collaborative.

Who isn’t a good fit for the Collaborative?

The Collaborative is structured for lawyers who are actively trying to figure out what they want to do next in their career, actively exploring the possibility of leaving the law, or anticipating leaving the law eventually, even if that may be several years down the road. If you’re a lawyer who wants to market your legal services or a former lawyer who has found your new niche and wants to market those services, this is not a great fit. We have a strict “no promotions, selling, or spam” policy.

Are any live calls included in the Collaborative?

Yes, Sarah hosts a group call every month. Currently, the calls are typically held at 8 p.m. Eastern on the second Thursday of the month.

If you’re interested in more frequent calls, check out the Collab Plus 1:1 program.

What’s your refund policy?

Because the Former Lawyer Collaborative™ is a digital program to which you get instant full access upon enrolling, and to protect and ensure the confidentiality of program participants, I do not offer refunds. I fully believe in the value of this program and the participants agree!

Your level of success in this program depends upon your personal commitment and willingness to invest in your own career and in all of the resources that the Collaborative™ offers. The no-refund policy is designed to make sure that every participant in this program has thoughtfully decided that they are ready to invest in themselves and their careers.

I’m a lawyer and I want to read the Terms of Use for the Collaborative.

You are my people. Click here.

Once I join, how long do I have access?

When you join the Collaborative, you get access for the lifetime of the program. That means if life gets in the way (like say, you get sucked onto some nightmare TRO or deal that blows up months of your life), you’re never behind and the work and community is always here for you when you are able to return to it. And, it means that you can get started today without worrying about what might happen in the future. Truly, if you want out of the law, the most important thing is to just start!

I have other questions that you didn’t answer—what do I do?

No problem! Email us at [email protected].

Will I have access to Sarah to ask her questions?

Yes. Sarah hosts a monthly group call for the Collab. Sarah reads and responds to questions posted in Circle every business day. However, Sarah does not provide individualized coaching by email to Collab members. Coaching by email is reserved for 1:1 clients.

I practiced law for 10 years, first as a Biglaw litigator, and later at a state court of appeals (with a brief interlude in legal publishing).

In 2018, my husband and I paid off our (double!) law school loans and I left the law for good.

I created Former Lawyer to help other lawyers, like me, who discover that they don’t want to practice law, but don’t know what to do next.

Still have questions?

I want to make sure that you have everything that you need to figure out if the Former Lawyer Collaborative™ is right for you. If you have questions, you can contact me here.