Like the idea of the Collab, but want 1:1 support as well?

The Collab Plus program is for you!

The Collab Plus program is a hybrid program that combines the Collab with 1:1 coaching. The 1:1 coaching portion of the program includes 6 sessions of 1:1 support from Sarah to help you move through the Former Lawyer Framework™ with additional support and accountability.

The components of the Former Lawyer Framework™:



Deep dive into where you are, why you’re there, and what that means for your next step. (And build the skills you need to move forward!)


Make sure your foundation is solid, jump start your progress, and start having some real breakthroughs—fast!


Get crystal clear on exactly what your career needs to look like. Uncover your unique strategy.


No more frantic Googling or doom-scrolling job boards. Dig into real data and information about everything that interests you with laser-focus based on the work you’ve done so far.


Identifying a path forward is just one part of the picture. You also need to handle all the nuts and bolts of making the jump. Finances, resumes, networking, etc.

What you get in the Collab Plus program:

Already enrolled in the Collab? You’ll receive a personalized credit for the amount of your enrollment fee towards the Plus 1:1 package.

Best Value
One-Time Payment
Enroll now
Payment Plan
Per Month for 3 Months
Enroll now


What lawyers have to say about


“I connected with Sarah after already having made the decision to leave BigLaw. It was such a gut-wrenching decision and the process of extricating myself was extremely painful. I needed Sarah’s support to trust my instincts and to feel good about making a bold, brave decision to improve my life. I am worth it.

Sarah helped validate my feelings and made me realize that I was not the problem—my job was the problem. Sarah taught me about the toxic tendencies of law firms and that there is a way out of the madness. She made me realize that I deserve to have a job that validates and respects me as a human being. There is no amount of money that is worth staying in a job where you feel devalued.

She genuinely cares and wants her clients to have a better life and overcome the artificial barriers set by inflexible law firm structures. Both she and her husband endured decades trying to fit into BigLaw regimes, so Sarah has real life experience to draw from.

I really enjoyed combining one-on-one sessions, with all the online resources she provides and continually updates. You really feel part of a community of professionals who have similar experiences and can talk the same language. One of my favorite podcasts of hers that really hit home was the one debunking the ‘no-assholes rule.’

I wish I knew about Sarah’s resources sooner. Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted so much of my precious time feeling stuck.”

Ann Marie, Former Biglaw partner

“One thing that I was struggling to do before working with Sarah 1:1 was to make the decision to leave the law, or at least actively aim to never work at another law firm!

The most significant result I got from working with Sarah 1:1 was more clear direction of what might be a good ‘intermediate’ path to pursue while I transition from leaving the law to my ultimate desired job. While I was still working at a firm, it was very unclear what the next step needed to be, and after working with Sarah, it narrowed my focus to a good ‘intermediate’ area to job search—this allowed me to move forward much more confidently.

Working with Sarah 1:1 allows for time and space to ask questions that are specifically for your circumstance, without feeling like you are intruding on anyone else’s time (in comparison to group calls, where it may feel more intimidating or selfish to ask for specific, personal advice).

If you are a lawyer, particularly one who has been burnt out by law firms (regardless of size), you will feel uniquely understood and supported by Sarah. I was intimidated by other coaches who focus more on how to succeed as a lawyer despite the culture, and Sarah was so helpful in simply validating the burnout and exhaustion that can lead to a feeling of hopelessly being stuck, and supports the idea that leaving the law isn’t a failure. She is also different from other coaches in that she really recommends therapy and helps detract from the stigma of incorporating therapy as a necessary part of the self-work needed to make career changes.

If you choose to work with Sarah 1:1, you’ll be glad you did it – Sarah is a coach who really feels like a friend.

If you are a tired little lawyer who feels alone, isolated, angry, and lost, Sarah may be exactly what you need to feel empowered enough to take your life back into your own hands from the toxicity of law firm culture.”

Kelcey, Former Law Firm Associate

“Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for your guidance. You were fun, authentic, insightful, and balanced. I could go on. Your skill and approach allowed me to open and consider alternative career (and life) possibilities. As a lawyer, I often mindlessly booked an expensive vacation for the glimmer of a break from it all. I can now say that the best vacation I have ever taken was the time I spent working with you on my future.”

Former Senior In-House Counsel

I’m interested in the Collab Plus 1:1 program—what do I do next?

If you’re interested in the Collab Plus 1:1 program, the next step is to book a free consultation. Here’s what the consultation process looks like:

  • You book a free 30-minute consult with me using the button below.
  • During the consult, you tell me about your situation and ask any questions that you have about the Collab Plus program.
  • During the consult, I’ll assess whether working with you is right for me, and I will give you a recommendation as to whether working with me is a good fit for you based on what you have shared. (I don’t recommend this for everyone, so you can rest assured I will only recommend it if I genuinely think we will be a fit.)
  • At the end of the call, I will ask you how you would like to proceed. I will not pressure you to make a decision on the call (but if you do, great!). If we need to book a follow-up call, no problem—I want to make sure that you are able to make the right decision for you.
  • If you choose to move forward, I will send you a link after the call to enroll in the Collab Plus program.
  • You enroll and we get started!

Have questions? Let’s chat!

FAQs about the Collab Plus Program

What’s your refund policy?

I do not offer refunds. I fully believe in the value of the program and the participants agree.

Your level of success in this program depends upon your personal commitment and willingness to invest in your own career and in all of the resources that the Collaborative™ and 1:1 coaching offers. The no-refund policy is designed to make sure that every participant in this program has thoughtfully decided that they are ready to invest in themselves and their careers.

How many calls do I get?

You get 6 60-minute 1:1 calls with Sarah to use within 2 months of enrolling.