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19 Sep

Leaving Biglaw To Become an Author and Writing Coach With Mary Adkins [TFLP155]

In today’s post, you’ll read about Mary Adkins, who followed her dream of leaving Biglaw to become an author. As you’ll read, Mary knew the law wasn’t for her by the second day. Mary has published three novels: When You Read This, Privilege, and Palm Beach with HarperCollins.  And she works as a writer’s coach to help other aspiring others. …

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15 Aug

The Long Process Of Leaving A Legal Career with Ed Cottrell [TFLP150]

Lawyers are under constant stress and pressure yet always have a “this is fine” mentality. “Everything will be fine,” we keep telling ourselves. But, is it really fine? And, is “fine” good enough?  This week, you’ll read about Ed Cottrell, a former lawyer and most importantly, Sarah’s husband. Ed had a legal career for 13 years before leaving the law…

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