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3 Mar

Why Stay-at-Home Parents Who Left Law Have More Career Options Than They Think [TFLP257]

Many former lawyers who stepped away from their careers to be stay-at-home parents eventually find themselves wondering how to re-enter the workforce, without going back to practicing law. On this episode of The Former Lawyer Podcast, Sarah Cottrell addresses this exact challenge, breaking down the key steps for making the transition while avoiding the pressure to return to legal practice….

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3 Feb

Navigating the Millennial Success Trap [TFLP256]

Millennials are often described as the generation caught between two worlds. On one side, we’re influenced by the economic expectations of our parents’ generation. On the other, we’re grappling with systemic economic challenges that have fundamentally reshaped what success looks like. For lawyers, these pressures are amplified. The high stakes and rigid paths of the legal profession make it hard…

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27 Jan

Can the Corporate World Solve My Work-Life Balance Problems? [TFLP255]

Does Corporate Life Solve Anything? The short answer: it can. Many former lawyers who transition into corporate roles find the change to be a significant improvement. While no job is perfect—there will always be tasks that are annoying or less enjoyable—leaving the high-stress dynamics of a law firm often brings measurable relief. When your experience as a lawyer has been…

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