Do you hate working as a lawyer?

Do you hate working as a lawyer? Are you an unhappy lawyer who wants to leave the law, but isn’t sure what to do next? Do your family and friends think you’re crazy for wanting to leave the law, or are you too afraid to tell them you don’t want to be a lawyer? The Former Lawyer Podcast is for you! Each week, host Sarah Cottrell interviews a different former lawyer who has left the law behind. Hear inspiring stories about how these former lawyers are thriving and found their way to careers and lives they love.

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11 Apr

Finding Your Strengths Using CliftonStrengths Assessment With Vanessa Kuljis [TFLP132]

Today, I’m sharing my conversation with Vanessa Kuljis. Vanessa and I overlapped at the same law school, though we didn’t meet each other while we were there. I connected with Vanessa while looking for someone to come into the Collab and help my clients specifically with the CliftonStrengths assessment.  CliftonStrengths is an assessment that helps you evaluate your natural talents…

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28 Mar

Transitioning Out Of The Law To Legal Marketing With Andy Cabasso [TFLP 130]

Today, I’m sharing my conversation with Andy Cabasso. Andy is a former lawyer and startup founder that began by starting a legal marketing business in law school with a former college roommate.  He ultimately ended up moving into that full-time and selling that business and starting another one. We’re going to be talking about Andy’s transition out of the law…

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21 Mar

The Expectation Of Perfection In The Law Is Leaving Lawyers Exhausted [TFLP 129]

One of the most frustrating things in the law is when you aren’t happy with your job, you’re feeling a ton of pressure and stress. But when you try to communicate with the non-lawyers in your life, they don’t understand. Today, I want to talk about one specific factor that makes lawyering so stressful. The crushing expectation of perfection in…

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14 Mar

How to Leave Litigation and a Legal Career for Consulting with Stinson Mundy [TFLP 128]

Today I’m excited to share my conversation with Stinson Mundy with you. Stinson started as a litigator and eventually decided to leave litigation to open her own solo practice. Now, she is a director at a company called Envoy Portfolio.  We talked about her legal career journey and later, her decision to leave the law. And we also touched on…

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