Do you hate working as a lawyer?

Do you hate working as a lawyer? Are you an unhappy lawyer who wants to leave the law, but isn’t sure what to do next? Do your family and friends think you’re crazy for wanting to leave the law, or are you too afraid to tell them you don’t want to be a lawyer? The Former Lawyer Podcast is for you! Each week, host Sarah Cottrell interviews a different former lawyer who has left the law behind. Hear inspiring stories about how these former lawyers are thriving and found their way to careers and lives they love.

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9 Aug

What Transitioning Out Of The Law Looks Like With Collaborative Member Jamie (TFLP 102)

We recently started a new series of episodes where I will be interviewing some members of The Collaborative to hear their stories and experience with the membership. In this episode, we are joined by Jamie, who is transitioning out of law and intends to leave by the end of the year. As always, my goal with the podcast and membership…

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2 Aug

Transitioning From a Legal Career: The Former Lawyer Story Part 2 (TFLP 101)

For those who may be new, Former Lawyer is run by me, Sarah Cottrell. Through my work with Former Lawyer, I help those that are trying to transition from a legal career and into something that’s really meaningful for them. This is part two of the story of my journey transitioning from a legal career and into starting Former Lawyer,…

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12 Jul

What It’s Really Like to Leave the Law with a Collaborative Member [TFLP 098]

As you know, my podcast and membership, the Collaborative, is all about helping lawyers who feel they want to leave the law determine what they want to do instead, and how to do it.  Usually, I share the stories of guests who have left the law already or want to leave the law, they are other “former lawyers” who are…

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